Unable to change units from centimeters to feet I do it in the settings window but it does not change when I analyze a distance. Bklevickas 2014-12-11 17:31:56 UTC #1. Unable to change units from centimeters to feet. In this tutorial I will be going over an introduction to Rhino Mac. We're going to go over a brief general overview of navigating in the interface and how Rhino for Mac is different from Rhino for PC.
In Windows there are two ways to get to this setting. Through the Rhino Options>Advanced Settings>Shaded but from the image above it doesn't look like there is an advanced option on there. So the Alternative is to go through the Viewport Title Menu with a right click and select Display Options. Does Mac have a similar feature?
no the display options in mac rhino doesnt work =[
Hi Shanghai.
Are you familiar with the Rhino OS X newsgroup.
You might get MAC answers there.
- Permalink Reply by Shanghai on April 25, 2011 at 7:44am
On the image you posted above, the top one 'Background' is where on Windows you change the colour of the viewport background.
I had to look and the windows options are the same - I have mine set to white,
Backface settings are a Rhino display feature that allows you to easily identify a surface's normal direction.
Thankyou - a setting I hadn't encountered.
And I must say that your replies to queries in this newgroup has, and is greatly appreciated and acknowledged as an invaluble learning tool.
- Permalink Reply by Danny Boyes on April 25, 2011 at 4:14am
Easy one,
In LB look for the group number 4. There is a group of components to convert different unit types.
Thank you for your quick answer, Abraham!
I totally missed it.
M/s to mph would be nice. I tried to convert it using a multiplication. I separated the numbers from the strings. Then multiplied the numbers by .23694. How to I recombine the numbers so the wind rose component accepts the new values?
How To Change Units In Rhino 6 Mac
- msTomph.gh, 63 KB
How To Change Units In Rhino Mac
- Permalink Reply by Dane Borda on September 27, 2014 at 1:25pm