- The Stanley Parable Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough ...
- Whiteboard Ending | The Stanley Parable Wiki | Fandom
- Stanley Outside Keypads An outdoor keypad console can make it easy to give temporary access to workers. GenieDoor.com is your one-stop shop to find an ideal wired or wireless keypad that will function correctly with your existing Stanley brand garage door opener.
- Narrator: Stanley simply began entering random codes into the keypad, knowing full well what the sheer statistical likelihood that this would ever result in a correct combination. If he knew that the combo was 2 - 8 - 4- 5, it would be another story entirely!
- The Stanley Parable 1.4 (Mac OSX) Feb 28 2012 Full Version. The Stanley Parable is an experimental narrative-driven first person game. It is an exploration of choice, freedom, storytelling.
- (Based on the critically acclaimed video game of the same title, created by Galactic Café and Davey Wreden)
- Screenplay By
- When Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left
- CUT:
- STANLEY, a moderately aged man in business casual attire, stands in front of the two open doors, attempting to make a decision. The doors are separated by only a couple of feet, and each one leads down different, but similar looking hallways. The only audible sounds are of the electricity emanating from a series of fluorescent lights.
- STANLEY eyes both doors, not fully understanding the gravity of this choice. STANLEY reluctantly enters the door on his left.
- STANLEY walks down a hallway with multiple locked doors, all labeled with 3 digit numbers. After taking a few turns, STANLEY ends up in an empty conference room, with random notes scribbled on an easel, and a power point opened on a slide titled “TIPS FOR GETTING FIRED”.
- STANLEY pauses and confusingly attempts to search for the source of the voice.
- What could this mean? Perhaps Stanley had simply missed a memo.
- STANLEY attempts to ignore the voice, knowing full well that he would never miss a memo. STANLEY exits the empty conference room and continues down a series of hallways with locked doors.
- Perhaps Stanley’s co-workers were simply pulling his leg.
- STANLEY stops to contemplate the MALE NARRATOR’S latest remark, worried that it may be true. STANLEY continues to an interior stairwell that shares the same bland colors as the walls around it. STANLEY stops and waits for instructions, as there are stairs that lead either up or down.
- Feeling a wave of disbelief, Stanley’s only hope was to walk upstairs to his boss’ office.
- STANLEY then proceeds up two flights of metal stairs until he reaches a dimly lit hallway. The hall is well decorated with red wallpaper on top, with wooden book casings below them, along with a couple of reception desks. The sound of the fluorescent lights dissipate, as the loudest thing become the creaking of the wood around STANLEY. At the end on the left are two, large open doors that lead into his boss’ office.
- As STANLEY enters his boss’ office, the two doors creak closed behind him, calmly and slowly. STANLEY doesn’t turn to notice, as he is blown aback by the size and luxury of the office, which is also coated with books and red wallpaper. On the right wall is a large, unlit fireplace.
- Stanley was once again stunned to discover that there was no indication of life to be found anywhere in the office. Stunned, and coated in terror, Stanley noticed a keypad on the wall behind his boss’ desk.
- STANLEY is still amazed and distracted by his boss’ office, and begins to take a book off of one of the shelves behind his boss’ desk.
- Stanley was once again stunned to discover that there was no indication of life to be found anywhere in the office.
- STANLEY hastily places the book back on the shelf, and looks up innocently at the ceiling in an apologetic manner.
- Stunned, and coated in terror, Stanley noticed a keypad on the wall behind his boss’ desk.
- STANLEY looks to his right and sees the number pad, and approaches it. He stares curiously at it.
- As Stanley gazed curiously at the number pad, he wondered
- what its use could possibly be.
- STANLEY begins to attempt to guess the numerical code, but repeatedly gets a red screen, coalesced with a buzzer. He does this numerous times during the MALE NARRATOR’S speech.
- What secrets could his boss need to hide from him? Were his co-workers aware of their boss’ deception?
- STANLEY looks up at the ceiling, agitated at the MALE NARRATOR.
- But what Stanley couldn’t have realized was that his boss had kept these secrets from him, using the number code “2845”.
- STANLEY looks puzzlingly at the number pad, but shrugs and immediately enters in the code “2845”.
- But of course Stanley couldn’t have known this alrea----
- The pad’s screen turns green and beeps twice, then a loud alarm-like buzzer buzzes once. STANLEY looks around in shock.
- By a matter of sheer luck and will, Stanley somehow managed to guess the correct code on his boss’ number pad, without even giving time to simply let the narrator talk! So before we move forward, I say we give Stanley a little time to relax, with some calming, new age music.
- STANLEY, having no prior dancing experience, walks over to the center of the room and awkwardly waits for the music to end.
- Now that I feel that Stanley is ready to cooperate, let’s move on with this tale.
- The fireplace and wall open mechanically, and a hidden, unfinished looking hallway appears from behind the wall. STANLEY progresses nervously into the hallway, and after turning, finds a construction ELEVATOR with a big red button. STANLEY pushes the button, and the ELEVATOR goes down.
- STANLEY enters into a large corridor, with a seemingly bottomless black pit with a metal walkway with railings suspended over it. At the end of the metal walkway reads in bold, glowing white text “MIND CONTROL FACILITY”.
- A peculiar feeling stirred in Stanley’s stomach. It felt as if he were being recklessly tickled from the inside. It felt strangely satisfying.
- STANLEY looks down at his stomach, but feels nothing.
- This is the first time Stanley had ever left the confines of that floor of his office, and even though the setting around him was dull and frightening, Stanley relished this new space he found himself in. Stanley began to move beyond eagerness, and was now feeling determination, determination to explore this uncharted land.
- Stanley continued down the metal walkway into the corridor that read “MIND CONTROL FACILITY”
- STANLEY begins to walk vehemently towards the MIND CONTROL FACILITY, but is stopped by a light bulb swinging over a cardboard sign leaned up against the wall, which in red marker read “ESCAPE”. STANLEY looked to his left to find a very long, narrow corridor that was very poorly lit.
- Surveying his options, STANLEY heads down the ESCAPE corridor, much to the MALE NARRATOR’S dismay.
- Although the promise of an ESCAPE corridor seemed exciting, the truth was, at the end of this hallway, Stanley would meet his violent end.
- STANLEY continues down the corridor, his facial expression unchanged.
- It wasn’t too late to turn back, to uncover the truth, to finally discover, after all these years of simply following orders, to break free of his boss’ chains.
- STANLEY continues walking, and another ELEVATOR comes into view, with the same big red button as the previous ELEVATOR. The space surrounding the ELEVATOR is completely black.
- At this point, Stanley was consciously making the remarkably ill-advised decision, to approach his impending death.
- STANLEY enters the ELEVATOR, and the floor below him opens, and STANLEY falls for about 7-8 seconds, accompanied by the sound of rushing air.
- STANLEY lands on a fenced in metal platform in another completely black space. He is confused as to why he lands totally uninjured. In the distance, STANLEY can hear incredulously loud metal thuds, separated by an interval of about 5 seconds. He looks up to find two large metal clamps, pushing into one another and squishing the identical platforms ahead of him. STANLEY looks around in panic, but sees no escape.
- As Stanley awaited his death, he used the little time he had left to contemplate his life. And he realized that almost all of it was spent in a worthless office space, blindly crunching keys on his keyboard when given the command. His death will serve no purpose. No one will mourn Stanley. No one will even notice that he is gone. I tried to help him, but this is where his choices have led. I apologize for wasting your time.
- The platform that STANLEY is standing in continues to inch closer to the metal clamps. STANLEY continues to panic, but stops to listen to the MALE NARRATOR. The thud of the metal clamps gets louder and louder.
- I worked really hard on this story, ya know! It was a good one, a rewarding one, one that your loving audience could’ve learned from. You would’ve been free, you would’ve been happy, and they wouldn’t have wasted their goddamn time or money just to watch you get squished to death! But I overestimated you. I overestimated the obedience of someone like you. I starred you because you seemed to be the most reliable. You had the least to lose, but the most to gain. But you’re just like the rest.
- STANLEY looks disgustedly at the ceiling, and continues to attempt to break free.
- (beat)
- STANLEY looks around, puzzled. He attempts to open his mouth, but cannot. The thuds get louder.
- Are you really that cowardly that you cannot even attempt to defend yourself?! Speak, speak for yourself! Say something, for all that is holy! Speak to me you cowar--
- STANLEY cowers as he stands between these two massive plates. He looks up, confused and shocked to see that he clamps stop within one inch of crushing him. There is a pause.
- “Farewell”, cried the Narrator, as Stanley was led helplessly into the enormous metal jaws.
- STANLEY looks up in pure disbelief for about 5 seconds, before the floor beneath him again opens up and sends him plummeting further downwards.
- STANLEY lands in yet another blank space, but in the distance, in glowing white text reads “THE STANLEY PARABLE MUSEUM”. As STANLEY approaches the text, a small doorway opens vertically, revealing a museum like LOBBY with certain assets from STANLEY’S floor, such as a desk and some of the numbered doors.
- STANLEY begins to explore the museum, and sees pictures from all around the office, each with their own label below it. One includes a planted hedge growing in front of a window. Another pictures a “STANLEY PARABLE LINE”, which was a yellow line drawn on the ground with the preceding text before it. And one depicts a small, human sized capsule, with the caption, ESCAPE POD.
- As STANLEY continues down the corridor, he walks into a small exhibit with only an old 1990s style telephone with a dial on it, which was elevated on a small pedestal. On the pedestal was a plaque that read, “PHONE ENDING”. STANLEY looks at this plaque with terror on his face.
- A series of images is shown very rapidly, each being a different ending that is depicted in the MUSEUM.
- Do you see now? Do you see how much they need each other?
- I overestimated the obedience of someone like you. I starred you because you seemed to be the most reliable. You had the least to lose, but the most to gain. But you’re just like the rest.
- STANLEY looks at the metal clamps, determined.
- (beat)
- (beat)
- Are you really that cowardly that you cannot even attempt to defend yourself?! Speak, speak for yourself! Say something, for once. Speak to me you cowar----
- The clamps crush STANLEY and the metal platform he is standing on, making the loudest thud of them all.
- (beat)
- When Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left.
Right-click on the game name in Steam, and go to 'Properties'. Click on 'Set Launch Options', and type '-dev -console'. While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Create Portal Weighted Companion Cube at pointer | ent_create_portal_companion_cube |
Press 4 to fire ERROR missile | bind 4 'fire_rocket_projectile' |
Press 5 to open most doors at pointer | bind 5 'ent_fire !picker unlock; ent_fire !picker open' |
Go to death machine/museum | map map_death |
Go to mind control facility | map map2 |
Go to room below the maintenance lift | map map_two |
Go to Serious Room and repeat narration | map seriousroom |
Go to first loop of the confusion ending | map map_one |
Go to second loop of the confusion ending | map thefirstmap |
Go to fourth loop of the confusion ending | map theonlymap |
Go to fifth loop of the confusion ending | map map |
Go to intended ending | map freedom |
Go to Minecraft map as if on the playtester ending | map blockbase |
Go to Portal map as if on the playtester ending | map testchmb_a_00 |
Go to Narrator's Tears ending | map zending |
Teleport to room for secret ending | sv_cheats 1 |
Special bonus during credits | secret |
Stanley floats | imabird |
Narrator barks like a dog | bark |
Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley | raphael |
Change textures in current map | facepunch |
Display Team Fortress 2 wiki | hideous |
Restart game | map map1 |
Title: HowtoProgramStanleyGarageDoorKeypad Author: Town and Country Door LLC Created Date: 7/19/2011 1:50:48 AM. Type the correct code before the narrator tells you it - narrator complains at you and plays you hidden music. Back out of the boss's office as the door closes - bugs out the game, but returning to Stanley's Office reveals the Escape Ending. Type 8888 on keypad - gets the 888888 achievement.
The Stanley Parable Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough ...
Hidden endingFollow the path from the start. Go through the left door, then go forward to the elevator in the large warehouse room. While riding the lift, drop down onto the catwalk below. Continue down this secret path, and enter the blue door. Then, enter the blue door two more times. Turn around to find the hidden blue door. A mini-game to save a baby will begin, and the narrator will tell Stanley to press the big red button for four hours. After pressing it for approximately one hour, a second button will appear for a puppy. You will then need to alternate between pressing both buttons for the remaining time. Successfully complete this mini-game to unlock a special ending.
Whiteboard Ending | The Stanley Parable Wiki | Fandom
Steam achievementsSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
- 8888888888888888: Follow the narrators orders up to the bosses office. When at the number pad at the wall, press '8888' twice in a row.
- Achievement: This is an achievement.
- Beat the game: Complete The Stanley Parable.
- Click on door 430 five times.: Click on door 430 five times.
- Commitment: Play The Stanley Parable for the entire duration of a Tuesday.
- Go outside: Don't play The Stanley Parable for five years.
- Speed run: Complete The Stanley Parable in under 4 minutes 22 seconds (not including load times)
- Unachievable: It is impossible to get this achievement.
- Welcome back!: Quit the game and then start it again.
- You can't jump: No seriously, we disabled it.